Compensation for natural damages in Norway
In Norway the threat from natural damages has always been present and relevant in daily life, and in people’s minds. The idea in Norway of implementing a source of compensation for rebuilding and reacquiring property destroyed in a natural damage incident is almost 150 years old, and we have had a compensation scheme implemented by law since 1961. The scheme includes almost all real and movable private property, divided in a private insurance scheme and a public compensation scheme.
Mitigation of natural damages has largely been kept out of the compensation scheme, with the exception of lesser grants for measures to «build back better», and the incentives in the schemes rules of curtailment.
The broad scope of the scheme, and the extent of the grants according to the scheme, makes it unique worldwide.
9 February 2024
The government at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Norwegian Reindrift Samers National Association (NRL) have today agreed on a new reindeer herding agreement for 2024/2025.
7 february 2024
In an editorial in Finansavisen 29.1, Trygve Hegnar claims that agriculture's "planning economists" miss the mark all the time. The background for the statement is the reports in the media about a shortage of eggs, potatoes and milk powder.