The Earthquake Commission (EQC) is New Zealand's primary provider of natural disaster insurance to residential property owners.
The Commission is a Crown Entity, wholly owned by the Government of New Zealand and controlled by a Board of Commissioners. Crown Entities are not Government departments or state-owned enterprises but nevertheless belong to the Government and are subject to public sector finance and reporting rules.
EQC administers the Natural Disaster Fund, comprising capital and reserves. The Government guarantees that this fund will meet all its obligations.
1 Jul 2024
The Earthquake Commission (EQC) has today become the Natural Hazards Commission Toka Tū Ake, reflecting its role in supporting New Zealanders to prepare for and recover from a range of natural hazards, not just earthquakes.
26 Jun 2024
Yesterday’s CRISiSLab Challenge, hosted at Massey University’s Wellington campus, saw over 80 students from 15 Wellington colleges showcase their novel tsunami alert systems to peers and a panel of expert judges.
The annual challenge is part-funded by EQC Toka Tū Ake and promotes interest in natural hazards research and STEM among Wellington Region’s high school students.